ITS (Ten November Institute of Technology) - Bore many Experts and Experts in the field of Science

ITS is a college school located in Surabaya, East Java. ITS was established on November 10, 1957. Almost the same as ITB, this campus has a specialization as a crater candra upfront that has spawned experts and experts in the field of science and technology.
ITS is divided into several parts of the region that to all the area is very wide. For example in Sukolilo land area of ​​180 hectares, then in Manyar area of ​​5000 an square meter, and also in ITS Cokroaminoto which area of ​​4000 square meters. Currently at ITS there are 8 falkutas and in September 2017 will be 10 falkultas.
In Asia, ITS is ranked 251 - 300 based on QS University Ranking Asia version. ITS is also listed as a state university college.
There is a Smart Eco-Campus concept that has been applied to the campus environment. At ITS, the campus environment is complemented by green lawns and ponds that can be used by students to study in fresh and beautiful surroundings. In addition, there is also provided bicycle campus. Indeed, the natural concept created in ITS is to cultivate a concern in the midst of technological developments.
The amount of UKT fee in ITS is between Rp 500,000 to Rp 7,500,000. in ITS is also enacted UKT the amount of cost per semester tailored to the income of the parents.